A Guide to Staking in the MayoCoin:XLM Liquidity Pool (LP)

Disclaimer: Liquidity Pools (LP) and Automated Market Makers (AMM) are complex financial instruments and require your own research. While there are liquidity rewards as well as liquidity lottery prizes there are risks including impermanent loss.

As promised here is a tutorial on how to add to the MayoCoin:Stellar Lumens (XLM) Liquidity Pool (LP) using Albedo. If you haven't used Albedo before it is a challenge so give yourself time and space to concentrate. While you can theoretically do this on a phone a computer is recommended.

Exporting your secret key from LOBSTR

Exporting your secret key from LOBSTR

1. To add liquidity you'll need MayoCoin and Stellar Lumens (XLM). N.B. Adding to a liquidity pool (LP) uses an additional 1 XLM deposit. You can export your "S..." secret key from LOBSTR in Settings→Wallet→Secret Key.

Importing your secret key into Albedo

Importing your secret key into Albedo

2. In Albedo import your secret key. You should be able to see your public address and balances.

Adding liquidity in Albedo

Adding liquidity in Albedo

3. In Albedo choose the Liquidity tab. Choose how much MayoCoin (or XLM) you want to stake and the XLM (or MayoCoin) will be automatically calculated for you at the current exchange rate. Press Deposit and you're done! You can check your stake at stellar.expert.

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